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Go BTS with Bounce

Want to know what really happens behind the scenes with your favourite good energy brand?
To celebrate the launch of our three new indulgent flavours – Dark Chocolate Raspberry, Salted Caramel and Dark Chocolate – we’ve put together an access all areas video of what happened on the recent creative shoot.
The thinking behind the launch was to parody some of the most iconic food ads of all-time, taking on classics such as Ferrero Rocher’s ‘The Ambassador’s Reception’, Galaxy’s ‘Why Have Cotton’ and Cadbury’s ‘Milk Tray Man’.

If M&S has taught us anything, it’s that food can be sexy. We created a suite of ads that tried to emulate the sophistication of the originals, but with a large dose of Bounce humour. After all, when you’re a Ball brand, you can’t take yourself too seriously 😉. Take a peek.
Shot on-location at the beautiful Dyffryn Estate, we had to make sure every detail was on point. And, the photos in this blog are anything to go by, we’d like to think that we’ve done a pretty good job.
We’d love to be able to say that it all went swimmingly, but life just doesn’t work like that, does it?

Not quite part of the plan was our truck of cast and crew having to herd sheep in the Welsh countryside, the male model being stuck on a train for hours, or our hair and makeup artist dropping her favourite, £200 eyeshadow palette all over one of the models.
Swings and roundabouts, eh? So, there you have it: another reminder that, when it comes to running a good energy brand, life is pretty much ball fun and games. 😉